19 Kids and Counting will soon be updated and named 20 Kids and Counting, as the Duggars are expecting their next child! Their 20th baby is due in April.

Yes, Michelle is pregnant again. The 45-year-old mother of 19 had almost accepted the fact that may be her days of having babies were over, when she discovered her latest pregnancy. The Duggars have always left their family planning to God, and have never followed or attempted on any birth control techniques.

Jim Bob and Michelle have a show on cable network TLC that describes their everyday struggles and triumphs raising 19 children in Arkansas.

We are just really looking forward with excitement to this new little gift, Michelle Duggar said in a video for TLC that was posted online on Tuesday. And so the title will change to '20 and Counting, Reuters reported.

The television show, which went on air in 2008, was titled 17 Kids and Counting, and with the arrival of new kids, the title of the show kept updating and changing.

For Michelle and Bob, the latest pregnancy came as a surprise since Michelle had complications in her previous delivery. She was reportedly diagnosed with pre-eclampsia, or pregnancy-induced hypertension.

Viewers had asked whether the family was not worried about the recurrence of a complication in the next birth, in response to which on Tuesday Bob said, We're praying that that won't happen this time.

He also added that his wife had pre-eclampsia in her second pregnancy and that it did not recur until her pregnancy with her 19th child.

The names of all the children in the conservative Christian Duggar family starts with the alphabet J. The names being Joshua, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn-Grace, Josie.

The ages of the children range from 23 years to 23 months.

Jim Bob told TODAY Moms that he's thrilled for their 20th child. Michelle and I both feel like some of the most blessed parents in the world. Our children are so sweet... we are so grateful to God.

We didn't want to stop on an odd number, he added.

Bob is a former member of the Arkansas House of Representatives.