Occupy Wall Street
Protesters gather in Foley Square on Sunday, to celebrate the one year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. Reuters

The American people are not amused.

Confidence in the three major branches of government has fallen to record lows, according to a Gallup poll released Monday.

The poll, which Gallup began conducting regularly in 1991, measures confidence in a range of 16 American institutions, in government, business and society at large.

The latest results, complied in the first week of June from more than 1,000 responses, show that Americans are more disaffected from the government than ever. On average, the public placed more confidence in the police, the military and organized religion than in politicians and lawmakers.

When respondents were asked how confident they were in the presidency, 29 percent said that they felt a great deal of confidence, compared to 51 percent in 2009, just after Barack Obama took office, and 72 percent in 1991, under George H.W. Bush. The presidential confidence rating is prone to wild swings and George W. Bush still holds the record for the worst confidence rating at 25 percent in 2007.

But it’s not just the president.

While Congress has long been saddled with the lowest confidence rating, this year only 7 percent of Americans said they felt a great deal of confidence in the legislative branch.

Even the U.S. Supreme Court, which typically has the most consistent confidence rating out of all three branches, has hit its lowest point ever at 30 percent.

Check out this interactive chart to see the confidence ratings for all three branches over the last 25 years: