Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is almost upon us bringing with it tons of new features.

UMvC3 is a revamp of Marvel vs. Capcom 3, which released at the end of 2010. The new game brings with it 12 new characters along with a host of gameplay changes and character balances. The game takes heroes from the Marvel comic universe and mashes them in with characters from the Capcom library of games. Players then get to choose three of their favorite characters for head-to-head, tag-team fights.

We've already covered the new characters presented in the game. But the old characters returning from MvC3 will also play a little differently from the last game. Capcom has balanced UMvC3, giving some characters less health, increasing damage for others and changing the way they move and operate.

Capcom has also released a record of the changes on its blog. Check out the differences in the Marvel characters here, and go to this link to see how the Capcom heroes have changed.

To guide players through the transition Capcom also released a series of videos explaining the new Marvel fighters, which you can check out bellow. You may also want to head to Maximillian's channel and see the Assist Me series, which breaks down the new characters and their play styles. UMvC3 will hit the fighting scene Nov. 15.

She-Hulk, Dormammu, Magneto, Hulk, Dr Doom:

Phoenix, Captain America, Deadpool, Iron Man, Taskmaster:

Super Skrull, Sentinel, Spider-Man, Storm, X-23:

MODOK, Wolverine, Thor, Shuma Gorath: