When news broke of the death of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il, millions of people in North Korea were upset. So were fans of Lil' Kim when rumors on the internet confused the rapper with the dead dictator.

According to the Wall Street Journal, cultural critic N'Gai Croal tweeted RIP, Lil' Kim after news of Jong Il's death emerged, prompting countless other to spread the rumor that the Brooklyn female rapper famous for Lady Marmalade had died. However, they must have missed the part where Croal tweeted an article announcing the death of Jong Il with the suspected flub.

Shortly after, Lil' Kim became a trending topic on Twitter and other social media Web sites, with fans wondering if Kim had died.

Wait, did lil kim really die?! I NEED ANSWERS, one user named Leslie Lorentz frantically wrote.

Another user, Xavier Maxwell, reassured other users that because something was posted on Twitter, it must be true indefinitely.

Is this true??? Did LiL Kim DiE??? I'm here on twitter cuz if so this where the facts go 1st, he tweeted.

Topsy, a Web site which tracks the metrics of Twitter, reported over 14,000 tweets about Lil' Kim since Sunday, as cited by the Wall Street Journal.

Others took a moment to poke fun at the situation, like actor James Urbaniak, who knew the news was in fact about the North Korean dictator.

Herman Cain sending condolences to family of Lil' Kim, Urbaniak tweeted, poking fun at Cain's unfamiliarity with world dictators.

One user on Twitter even went as far to superimpose Kim Jong Il's face on Lil' Kim's body as others feverishly mourned the death of their favorite female rapper in a meme that has gone viral.

With the outpouring of proclamations of Lil' Kim's death on Twitter and the fact she was the seventh most trending search term on Google at one point, while Kim Jong Il sat at number one, Buzzfeed compiled the funniest confused tweets, an article that has had nearly 40,000 views within two hours of being posted.

Lil' Kim has not made a statement, but rest assure, she is alive and well.