Angelina Jolie's Leg Oscars 2012
Angelina Jolie's Oscars leg pose while on the red carpet has turned into an Internet sensation. It is doubtful that even Ms. Jolie could have predicted her awkward right-leg-out stance would garner this much attention. Jolie's leg has spawned a Tublr, Twitter Handle and a meme. Reuters

Angelina Jolie's Oscars leg pose while on the red carpet has turned into an Internet sensation. It is doubtful that even Ms. Jolie could have predicted her awkward right-leg-out stance would garner this much attention.

Angelina Jolie is a media sensation but her Oscars leg pose has truly taken on a life of its own; a life of its own along with a Tumblr, Twitter handle and meme of its own as well.

A Tumblr page has been dedicated to Angie's right leg entitled Angelina Jolie'ing with the sub-headline Strut it like Angelina, show off your right leg to the world. The Tumblr feed allows fans to send in photos of their very own right leg pose a la Angelina Jolie. Currently on the page are self-portraits, animals, digitally imposed shots and cartoons. Send in your own Angelina Jolie leg pose now!

Angelina Jolie's leg also became a Twitter sensation. On Oscar Sunday, Jolie's name began trending worldwide on the social network. The Academy calculated that the actress' leg (and her noticeably skinny figure) generated 3,399 tweets per minute.

From that Twitter popularity, a Twitter handle was born -- @AngiesRightLeg. The Twitter account has over 29,000 followers and counting. The one single Twitter feed it is following in return? @JLosNipple - another Twitter handle created from Oscar buzz.

The Twitter handle @AngiesRightLeg has tweeted hilarious things like Look at this leg!!!, I'm a leg, get a load of me!!, Check me out! Leg!! and Left leg and I talked -- everything's cool. Next Oscars, she gets the slit.

There is also a hashtag, #angiesrightleg, where people can join the conversation about the 36-year-old's famous limb. Many have already thrown in their two cents. Hurt and bitter from neglect, Angelina Jolie's left leg is writing a tell-all expose of #angiesrightleg, posted @WajahatAli. I think #angiesrightleg is a box full of hilarity...a very, very thin box that is. Whoever pegged it a chicken leg is right #tooskinny, wrote user Kathryn Cox. Never before has a leg made such an impact.. #AngiesRightLeg controversy! To leg or not to leg...that is the question, posted Lizzy Lovette.

Finally, the hoopla of Angelina Jolie's leg has inspired a meme, an image, video, et cetera that is passed electronically from one user to another, oftentimes resulting in a viral spread. The meme inspired by Jolie is called legbombing. Legbombing is a take on photobombing, the inserting of unrelated items or people into a photo. Users digitally imposed Jolie's right leg into various iconic photos, such as the first moon landing, Washington crossing the Delaware and Tienanmen Square.

Some are now saying that Angelina Jolie'ing is the new planking. But does it beat Tebowing?