Plastic surgery a shot
Plastic surgery a shot Bravo Channel

Bullied teenager Nadia Ilse,of Cummings, Ga., got plastic surgery after she could no longer stand the "elephant ears" and "dumbo" taunts, the Huffington Post reported.

After being viciously bullied because of her looks Ilse, now says, "I look beautiful, this is exactly what I wanted, I love it."

Ilse, now 14, was a self-proclaimed "anti-social" before her surgery.

(Click here to see a picture of Ilse's before and after photos.)

Ilse told CNN she was first bullied when she was in first grade and another little girl told her, "You have the biggest ears I've ever seen." She was "speechless" because Ilse had never noticed anything wrong with her ears before.

She was "tortured" over her ears for seven years, CNN reported, so Ilse began at the age of 10 to ask her mother if she could get her ears pinned back in a procedure called an otoplasty. The teen said the bullying "hurt so much."

Her mother decided to contact the Little Baby Face Foundation after she heard that a 13-year-old got a nose job.

"That made me pick up the phone and make an appointment for a consultation," her mother told ABC.

The Little Baby Face Foundation paid for Ilse's estimated $40,000 surgery, according to reports.

Dr. Thomas Romo III, the organization's founder, pinned her ears back and also performed reduction rhinoplasty, which reduced the size of her nose and mentoplasty, that altered her chin, the Huffington Post said.

"We like to say that Baby Face transforms the lives of these children and gives them newfound confidence," Moriarity said. "Give your children a lot of love and affection and tell them that they're beautiful every single day," she said.

"Teens tend to have plastic surgery to fit in with peers, to look similar," the American Society of Plastic Surgeons said.

Ilse wants parents who have suffering teens to "give your children a lot of love and affection and tell them that they're beautiful every single day."

Nadia Ilse is happy with her new look, but how young is too young for plastic surgery?