Millions of Asians are waiting for the century's longest solar eclipse on July 22, an astronomical event that sees the moon move between the Earth and the Sun.

The maximum point of the solar eclipse is set to last six minutes and 27 seconds. For a repeat people will have to wait until 2132.

The solar eclipse will begin tomorrow in the Gulf of Khambhat, north of Mumbai, and then will cross Asia, affecting Nepal, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China and Japan, to end in the Pacific Island.

The whole of South-East Asia will be blacked out by the Moon during that time.

This is a very special opportunity, said Shao Zhenyi, an astronomer at the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory.

In Shanghai, China’s biggest observatory, everything is ready for the event of the century despite of widespread superstitions.

For the solar eclipse, In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to swallow the sun during eclipses, snuffing out its life-giving light and causing food to become inedible and water undrinkable.

In China eclipses are associated with revolutions, social unrest and the fall of empires. And for astrologers in India and Myanmar are predicting clashes and social unrest.

In the past few weeks Chinese authorities have launched a media campaign to educate people about the event to avoid panic and unjustified reactions.