Combating dry winter hair is a yearly struggle. Cold temperatures, frigid winds, low humidity and indoor heat prove to harm locks, making them dull, dry and brittle.

There is salvation to be had. Thanks to the wonderful world of hair products, bone-dry hair can quench its thirst with everything from macadamia dry oil to penetrating cream masks to moisture spritzes. These products provide relief for hair that is suffering during the cold winter months.

Using a weekly mask can prove to be truly transformative.

Masks have much higher concentrations of moisturizers than regular conditioners, so even if you're short on time, you'll benefit from using one, Cheri McMaster, principal scientist for Pantene, told O Magazine.

Shampooing hair everyday is not ideal. Thus, dry shampoo and hair accessories come in handy for the days when you want to give your hair a break. If you refuse to part from your blow drier or straightener, there are products that you can use on wet hair to protect it from heat damage.

Maintaining a healthy diet will keep your hair strong year-round. Biotin is an essential supplement for healthy hair, skin and nails. Eating foods rich in omega 3 and fatty acids will keep your hair (and body) in tip-top shape.

Here are some remedies to combat dry winter hair. What suggestions do you have? Leave your feedback in the comments section below.