On July 1st, China will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party in China.

Founded by a few intellectuals 90 years ago, China's Communist Party now presides over the world's second-largest economy -- but this feat has come at a price that threatens its survival, analysts say.

The country is marking the 90th birthday of the Communist Party with its typically over-the-top celebrations like a propaganda blitz that includes a star-studded patriotic film and huge media coverage. However, experts warn the future is clouded for the one-party regime.

Because it's not being managed in a democratic way, growth has carried a heavy price with environmental degradation, lack of healthcare and so forth, said James Seymour, adjunct professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Swarms of slogan-shouting petitioners in Beijing are challenging the Chinese Communist Party ahead of the party's 90th anniversary, some of them yelling: Knock down the Chinese Communist Party!

To clean up the streets for the 90th anniversary celebrations of the CCP's establishment, Beijing authorities have launched another round of arrests against the continuous stream of aggrieved citizens from all around the country who come to Beijing to making appeals to higher level regime offices.

The debate aside, here's a look at some of the preparations for Friday's big event: