The hashtag #CoryBookerStories was created on Twitter after the Newark mayor saved a female neighbor from a burning building. The tweets are catapulting Booker to Chuck Norriseque Internet folk hero status.

It is a very, very scary thing. And I'd like to say that I, at that point I was feeling so courageous, but honestly, it was terrifying, and to look back, you can see nothing but flames. Look in front of you see nothing but blackness, Booker told CBS about his heroic effort in saving the woman. Thankfully she started yelling out to me and I was able to find her through all the smoke. At that point I grabbed her, he said in the interview with CBS.

Twitter users are using the hashtag #CoryBookerStories to tell of Booker's superhero efforts in other areas besides saving the woman in the fire.

Cory Booker actually raised Ann Romney's boys, tweeted @jimlairbeard, referring to Mitt Romney's wife and the recent media firestorm over Democratic strategist HilaryRosen's suggest that Ann never worked a day in her life.

When Chuck Norris has nightmares, Cory Booker turns on the light & sits with him until he falls back asleep, said Twitter user Miles Grant.

Die Hard was initially entitled Cory Booker's Thursday, tweeted @jesseltaylor, referring to the Bruce Willis movies.

Taylor also tweeted this gem: Cory Booker goes into Freddy Krueger's dreams and fixes Elm Street's potholes.

Cory Booker isn't afraid of the dark. The dark is afraid of Cory Booker, said @SayethSimon. He also said Booker made the Tea Party switch to coffee.

One time I needed a kidney. Cory Booker instantly ripped out his own, handed it to me & flew away, tweeted comedian John Fugelsang.

Cory Booker can make Friday the 13th lucky, wrote journalist Nina Diamond.

Billy Joel didn't start the fire. But Cory Booker put it out, wrote the National Review's Jim Geraghty.

Superheroes dress up as Cory Booker on Halloween, said @Chloe Angyal.