The Dow Jones Industrial Average (INDEXDJX:.DJI) took more than 76 years to hit its first 1,000 points, but the index made its latest 1,000-point jump -- to 16,000 -- in just six months.

Here’s a timeline of every 1,000-point increase in the DJIA since June 1896:

A timeline of every 1,000-point increase in the DJIA since June 1896 IBTimes/Lisa Mahapatra

It’s important to keep in mind that every 1,000-point increase is less important than the previous one. When the DJIA went from 1,000 points to 2,000, its value increased by 100 percent. However, when it went from 15,000 to 16,000, the percentage increase was much smaller -- just 6.7 percent.