News, details on corporate bond issues in the European markets on Thursday:

BAA Funding Ltd [FERBF.UL]

Issue: plans sterling denominated bond issue from its 50 billion multi-currency debt issuance programme in the near future subject to market conditions.

Managing banks: BNP Paribas, Citi, HSBC, RBC, RBS, Caja Madrid, Calyon, Santander


Issue: Italian water utility Hera plans a 500 million euro ($754.7 million) 10-year fixed rate bond, said an official at one of the banks managing the deal.

Guidance: Mid-swaps plus 120-125 basis points

Managing banks: Bank of America Merrill Lynch, SocGen

Ratings: S&P A-, Moody's A2


Issue: The sugar producer has completed the 200 million pound ($333.5 million) bond issue and partial buy back of its 6.5 percent sterling bond due 2012, it said. The new bond has a coupon of 6.75 percent and is repayable in November 2019.

Tender offer: Tate & Lyle has bought back 100 million pounds of the 2012 bonds, leaving another 100 million pounds of the issue outstanding.

Managing banks: Barclays, RBS

Ratings: S&P BBB-, Moody's Baa3