Fox News has become the latest victim of hacking as a group of hackers called “Scriptkiddies” hacked FoxNewsPolitical Twitter account on early Monday which falsely claimed the assassination of President Barack Obama.

The hackers gained access to @foxnewspolitics and leaved a series of six tweets of fake information to 33,000 followers at about 2 am local time.

Fox News reported the Secret Service about the hacking of the FoxNewsPolitics account. U.S. Secret Service on Monday said it will investigate the hacking of Fox News Twitter account.

On May 31, 2011, hackers had made similar attack on Fox News ticker that displays on News Corp headquarters in New York City.

Fox News told the Huffington Post that its ticker was not hacked but the person who had hacked it posted a film on YouTube in response to Fox's denial.

He or she wrote on the site: Fox is of course saying this didn't happen. So I will post a video explaining how I did it in a few hours which will hopefully prove it for all the naysayers,” CNET reported.

Here is a slideshow of the top 10 newswire/newspaper websites, including Fox News: