The Jacksonville Jaguars have a difficult recent history.

A video from Downtown Vision, a not-for-profit in Jacksonville that is attempting to build and maintain a healthy and vibrant Downtown community, isn't going to help.

The video, features an employee from Downtown Vision teaching people all over the city how to start Jaguaring which he describes as being like planking or Tebowing.

Tebow is from the Jacksonville area, but the very things that made his meme successful will likely kill this one. Tebowing was organic and owned and created by fans which is what made it cool.

This is a silly marketing campaign that is designed to get people excited about Jacksonville.

In reality it is mostly just another embarrassing moment for a franchise that has been to the playoffs only twice in the past 11 years and that has trouble filling its stadium for game days, even after they closed sections of seating to force sell outs starting in 2005.

The Jaguaring, video will undoubtedly help Downtown Visions get their message out, but it embarrasses the cities franchise with low production values of the video and the awkward attempt to force a meme onto the internet.

Check out the video below.