It won't be quick. It won't be painless.

Instead earthquakes will rip apart the earth -- even in places not prone to earthquakes. That lucky percentage of the population that put their trust in Christ and dedicated their lives to the Gospel will be spared the pain as they are pulled up into heaven.

But the rest will be left to fend for themselves in a post-apocalyptic hell on earth type scenario.

Or so the saying goes, according to Harold Camping.

Camping leads the Oakland-based Family Radio Worldwide and has claimed to have crunched the numbers and have done the math.

He has taken passages from the Bible, interpreted them, and with certainty, he's declared the event absolutely going to happen.

And while he's been derided by the masses and even other Christian leaders, a great deal of people across the world are whipped into a frenzy as the time approaches.

Ten of the top 20 search trends on Google are related to Doomsday at the time of this publishing, and the Twittersphere is full of references.

According to Camping rolling earthquakes would sweep across the earth, first starting in New Zealand at 6pm local time there.

From there, earthquakes will roll across the world, occurring at 6pm local time until they finally reach Los Angeles -- at which point there is sure to be a lot of damage.

The group uses the Bible to justify the claim, but not all are convinced.

Camping claims to be basing his predictions on the scriptures. That sounds promising, said Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

But the Bible does not contain hidden codes that we are to find and decipher. We are not to look for hidden patterns of words, numbers, dates, or anything else.

A resounding 79 percent of 10,000 people polled by IBTimes said that they do not believe the world would end ever.

Camping predicted the same situation before - in 1994.