One Florida teenager took some dramatic steps to capture the attention of her ex-boyfriend.

16-year-old Ankita Lavender faked her own abduction in a plot to get sympathy from her ex. According to Jacksonville's WOKV, two days after the pair split, Lavender called her father to tell him she had been pulled into a white truck by two men.

Her parents contacted authorities and an Amber Alert was issued for the Middleburg teen. The police even sent 40 officers out to look for the girl.

Authorities searched for the teen for four hours, eventually finding her on her back on the side of a road.

She initially claimed she had been tossed from the truck, though the teen had no injuries. She was questioned overnight by police, who eventually discovered she had made up the story about the abduction.

Jacksonville's WTEV reports the search for Lavender cost between $5,000 and $7,000.