President Barack Obama's SuperPAC Priorities USA Action has released an ad targeting Mitt Romney:

The ad comes in a weeek in which the Obama campaign has repeatedly attacked the man many consider the favorite to win the GOP nomination. This ad seems to be targeting moderate voters by attempting to tie Obama to the tea party and highlghting his connections will Wall Street and big corporations.

In a strange twist, the ad tries to use Fox News and former George W. Bush strategist Karl Rove to the Obama's advantage. It starts with Karl Rove saying Obama will lose the election, and then shows a Fox News anchor declaring Mitt Romney has the best chance to beat Obama.

The ad then tries to show what a Romney presidency would look like.

By any measure it looks like Mitt Romney is in the lead for the nomination so we felt it important for people to know the consequences of him being elected, said Bill Burton, senior strategist for the group and a former Obama spokesman, to Bloomberg News.

Bloomerg reported that this is the third anti-Romney ad the group has put out.