Obama speaks from a podium showcasing his new campaign slogan, "Forward!" barackobama.com

President Barack Obama has invigorated his campaign with a new, albeit small change, to his slogan.

The president unveiled his new slogan, “Forward!,” which livens up his previous campaign signature by removing a period adding an exclamation point at the end, last week. The change is now seen on Obama campaign signs and banners.

Why did Obama, who is in a tight race with Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, opt for the new slogan?

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki said the exclamation point was added to “Forward” to symbolize “the stakes in this election and energy at our events, the Associated Press reported.

The change was made as Obama embarked on a 40-hour campaign blitz in battleground states that are expected to decide the 2012 election.

The new slogan renewed interest in an April story from the Washington Times that tied “Forward.” to communism and Marxism – ideologies that conservatives like to link to Obama.

Many Twitter users who commented on the new slogan shared the story with their followers.

The conservative newspaper said “Forward” is “a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

“The slogan "Forward!" reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals that their movements reflected the march of history, which would move forward past capitalism and into socialism and communism,” wrote Victor Morgan of the Washington Times in his April 30 story about the slogan.

The new slogan was met with an abundance of snarky comments on Twitter, where many users doubted that the change will effect the presidential race.

“Obama's campaign added an exclamation point to their slogan. Glad to see they are making a definitive statement on something...,” wrote Chuck Frain.

“Obama added an exclamation point to his slogan FORWARD. Man, Romney's in REAL trouble now. He's done. [snark],” opined Hardline Stance.

“Kind of like O's slogan,” wrote @AniesRight. “When I think about it, it makes sense. Forward to Romney, not back to Obama.”

“Really and truly Obama should just keep his 2008 campaign slogan. We still need ‘Change’ after 4 years,” said Drew Christo.