“All kidding aside, obviously we all know about [Donald Trump’s] credentials and breadth of experience,” said President Barack Obama at the White House Correspondents Dinner.

The crowd breaks into a spontaneous laughter, interrupting Obama’s sentence.

“For example – no seriously – recently, in an episode of The Celebrity Apprentice, at the steak house, the men’s cooking team did not impress the judges from Omaha Steaks. There was a lot of blame to go around, but you, Mr. Trump, recognized that the real problem was the lack of leadership, so ultimately, you didn’t blame Lil Jon or Meatloaf. You fired Gary Busey.”

“These are the kind of decisions that keep me up at night,” said Obama.

By now, the crowd, which had been laughing the whole time, burst into loud laughter and applause.

“Well handled, sir! Well handled!” added Obama.

At that time, almost no one knew that Obama had just signed off on the kill operation on Osama bin Laden just the previous night – the kind of decision that would actually keep one up at night.

Indeed, fail and his unilateral military operation in a foreign country could blow up in his face. Succeed and America will have captured its most wanted fugitive and he will have seen bountiful praises heaped upon him.

On Saturday night, though, Obama didn’t betray any signs of the pressure he must have been in. He handled himself well, cracking jokes, looking relaxed, and seeming to enjoy himself.

So while selecting which celebrity to fire on a reality show might have kept Obama up at night, he seemed pretty confident in signing the death warrant for the most wanted terrorist in the world.