Police arrested 130 demonstrators of the Occupy Chicago movement for being present in a downtown park after hours, authorities reported Sunday.

The arrests took place in Grant Park, where protestors gathered for a noisy yet peaceful anti-Wall Street demonstration.

About 1,500 people gathered for the Occupy Chicago protest that began Saturday. Police made announcements for evacuation and people who did not leave the area were arrested, said Officer Robert Perez, a police spokesman.

The arrested protestors were taken to First District headquarters. Most of them were later released but a group who had been previously would have to spend a second night behind bars.

In an interview given to the Associate Press, Occupy Chicago spokesman Joshua Kaunert said, We're not going anywhere. There are still plenty of us.

According to the protestors, the Occupy Chicago movement is a peaceful, nonviolent, non-partisan movement. We are not a leaderless movement, we are a movement of leaders.

Beginning in New York five weeks ago, the Occupy Wall Street movement began as a protest against bank bailouts, corporate profits, public expenditure cuts and arms dealing. The movement is still going strong and has spread to different parts of the U.S. and Europe, Asia and Australia.