Sony's Playstation website in Japan went offline on Wednesday, prompting questions as to whether the company again succumbed to hackers that have been targeting the company for weeks.

The website, home to all things related to Sony's flagship game console, was inaccessible for a duration through the day.

Bloomberg reported that hackers had attacked the site, but a Sony spokesman said that account was incorrect.

Instead, the company said it took the site down on its own volition as it installed new security measures.

The downing conjures parallels to Sony's other digital property, the Playstation Network of gamers.

That network was compromised by hackers last month, exposing the personal details of an unprecedented 77 million users.

Sony said it would take at least a few more days to restore service to its beleaguered online PlayStation Network, but failed to offer a solid date.

For weeks Sony has been in the crosshairs on digital vigilantes, forcing the company to shut down several services and issue public apologies and reparations to customers affected.

The origins spur from a lawsuit brought against a hardware Hacker George Hotz, who for months have been posting exploits of the Playstation 3 system onto his personal website.

In perusing Hotz and those who gained access to his information, Sony teamed with Internet Service Providers, Paypal and even YouTube to gain access to the IP addresses of users who viewed the content.

That move became a rallying cry for hackers to organize and take aim at the Japanese giant, decrying what it saw to be gross violations of digital privacy.

One group, calling it self Anonymous, said that the move was just the beginning and that it would not forgive the company for its privacy invasion.

Where the judicial system has failed, Anonymous will persevere, by standing up for the rights of everyone, not just those who dared to challenge these corporations, the group said on April 14, calling its members to action.

While the group did try to take down the network by flooding Sony servers with requests, it denies it stole the data.