Sen. Claire McCaskill meets with farmers and rural residents across Missouri in a "Fighting for our Farmers" barnstorming trip, in Kingsville. Reuters

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., has jumped to a 10-point lead over Republican Todd Akin after his "legitimate rape" remark, according to a new poll, but she herself is skeptical.

The Rasmussen Reports poll has the incumbent McCaskill leading Akin 48 to 38 percent, the Kansas City Star reported. It's the first poll this year showing her ahead.

The 59-year-old senator tweeted: “Rasmussen’s poll made me laugh out loud. If anyone believes that, I just turned 29. Sneaky stuff.”

In fact, Democrats have long regarded Rasmussen as a Republican pollster. A different pollster earlier in the week showed Akin up by 1 point.

A spokeswoman for Rasmussen defended their poll, saying, “We provide information on what the public is thinking and have no interest in whether one politician beats another.”