Returning Home, Veterans Find Promised Jobs Are Gone
Veterans returning home from service face problems readjusting to ‘normal’ life and now they are facing the struggle of returning home unemployed. IBT

It’s a sad fact that an estimated 900,000 U.S. military veterans are currently unemployed. Veterans returning home from war zones face problems readjusting to normal life and now many are facing a difficult economy and job market as well.

What happens to their jobs once they return home? What laws are implemented to protect our veterans against hiring bias, and are they being enforced?

For Cory Schuyler, for example, a new battle began when he returned after fighting for his country for 12 years.

We sat down with IBTimes reporter Christopher Harress to discuss the uphill battle faced by veterans like Cory Schuyler and to ask if there are solutions to this problem.