Wikipedia founder JimmyWales has dismissed the current privacy law in U.S as a ‘violation of human rights’, responding to the debate on super-injunctions.

With the growth of internet the policies to keep check on super-injunctions appearing on the site has diversified. Not just media and social networking sites like facebook and twitter, even encyclopedia has been accused in the recent weeks of aberration from the privacy laws.

Mr Wales told BBC that such information would be removed because it did not come from a reliable source.

The Wikipedia community does not allow such things to come on the site unless there is a reliable source which currently there isn't because the newspapers aren't allowed to publish, said he.

His personal view on the privacy laws were grave injustices and human rights violations.

They should be done away with as quickly as possible. There should be no law constraining people from publishing legally obtained, factual information, he said.

Exceptions to this would be information that was life-threatening, such as troop movements.

But we aren't talking about that. This is embarrassing facts about politicians and celebrities.

UN had ordered Obama to investigate allegations of human rights violation when Wikileaks website revealed shocking abuse of human rights by the United States and its allies.

It has published documents with accounts of torture and murder of 66,000 civilians in Iraq.

He said Wikipedia is owned by the US-based charity the WikiMedia Foundation and and is therefore subject to US law.

Twitter can get away with publishing personal details and super-injunctions of celebrities, due to the same loopholes, he noted.

The legislative net also appears to be closing in on social media sites with the UK culture secretary Jeremy Hunt saying places such as Twitter made a mockery of privacy laws.

Whatever the laws tried to do on privacy, the internet is a very powerful force that you can't buck so we do need to look at it, he said.
