The Bachelorette and its sister shows The Bachelor and Bachelor Pad are known to provide viewers with some voyeuristic pleasure in the form of contestants getting it on, but single mom Emily Maynard just isn't into that sort of thing. (At least that's what she wants her daughter to think.)

Maynard was down to her final three suitors on Monday's episode of The Bachelorette. Typically, the star of the show can opt to spend the night with each of the suitors in a private suite, but Maynard decided to opt out of this part of the game, citing a need to set an example for her daughter. (The former Season 15 Bachelor contestant told Brad Womack the same thing. She declined spending the night with him, but said she wanted to use the time to get to know each other better. Maynard received the final rose, but the relationship didn't work out in the long run, obviously.)

From the start, things did not bode well for Sean during his one-on-one time with Maynard. She wanted to know why the hunky muscle man's previous relationship didn't work out. There was also the matter of him not having said I love you. He later confessed strong feelings. I have fallen in love with you, he told her.

Maynard then had her day with Jef, the baby-faced suitor who has asked a lot of the grown-up questions this season. Where would Maynard want to live if they end up together? Would she be open to living together before marriage?

He told Maynard that his parents found out about her via his siblings and now want to meet her. (They were absent during the hometown date because they were doing charity work, according to Jef.) Jef said previously that his family was very private but their absence was nonetheless conspicuous.

Jef and Maynard were given the option of using the Fantasy Suite, but Jef declined it before Maynard had the chance to turn him down, citing their families and her daughter as a reason. Maynard coyly told the cameras that Jef took everything she had been planning to say and turned it on her. She admitted that she wanted to turn him down but kind of ended up getting turned down herself. What a tease!

Then Maynard had her day with Arie. In this case, the Fantasy Suite was very hard to resist.

She went on and on for the cameras about their strong physical chemistry, how they were holding hands and touching even before they kissed, and how they had never been just friends. In other words: She really, really wanted to jump into bed with him.

Arie is so protective over me, Arie is so good looking, and Good Lord, he's hot were just some of the things she said about him.

Sadly, they would not get it on that night. She started giving the whole I'm a mother spiel before admitting she didn't trust herself to resist the hunky driver.

In all fairness, he's not a bad-looking guy, but if her dilemma of Should I spend the night with him? wasn't enough to make you cringe, there were gag-worthy videos of each of the guys talking to Maynard and telling her about their feelings. Maynard told host Chris Harrison about the turmoil she felt over potentially letting the wrong guy go. Then he told her about the personal video message each suitor made for her to express their feelings. (Post-show bloopers showed Arie doing take after take.)

In the end, Jef and Arie got roses. The freshly-axed Sean told Maynard that he felt kind of stupid and admitted he didn't see the elimination coming (do they ever?).

Next up: The men tell all! The season has been relatively conflict-free, at least compared to the last season of The Bachelor, where winner Courtney Robertson was vilified for her catty behavior with the other contestants. The only one who might get put in the hot seat this time will be Kalon, who Maynard promptly sent packing in London after she heard that he referred to her daughter as baggage. Should we wish him luck?