The mother of a 10-year-old girl and the father of an 11-year-old girl have made contact with their daughters who last year were brought from Germany to Paraguay without their consent, the parents' lawyer said Monday.

"On behalf of our clients Anne Reiniger, mother of Clara (Egler), and Filip Blank, father of Lara (Blank), we announce that as part of the search for their daughters from their respective first marriages, fruitful conversations have taken place place," Stephan Schultheiss said in a statement to the press.

Clara, 10, entered Paraguay on November 27 with her father, Andreas Rainer Egler, 46, and his new wife Anna Maria Egler, nee Scharpf, 35.

Anna Maria Egler's daughter from her first marriage, 11-year-old Lara Valentina Blank, was also with them.

The 10-year-old daughter of Anne Maja Reineger (C), seen here in May 2022, was taken by her father without Reineger's consent from Germany to Paraguay last year
The 10-year-old daughter of Anne Maja Reineger (C), seen here in May 2022, was taken by her father without Reineger's consent from Germany to Paraguay last year AFP / Daniel DUARTE

The case has caused a stir in Germany. Last week, Clara's mother and Lara's father authorized the police to start a search for the missing girls, and Interpol has issued arrest warrants for Andreas and Anna Egler.

The pair of fugitive parents recently sent a video message and contact was established between the parties, the lawyer said.

"We are looking together for a solution that does justice to the rights of all parties involved, but above all to the best interests of the children," said Schultheiss.

Anne Reiniger and Filip Blank have promised to drop charges if the fugitive couple agree to return the children and work out a custody agreement.