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The Ultenic T10 robotic vacuum/mop uses its amazing mapping tech to clean up your messes by itself
The Ultenic T10 robotic vacuum/mop uses its amazing mapping tech to clean up your messes by itself IBTimes/Bob Fekete

Who Is The Ultenic T10 Robotic Vacuum/Mop For?

  • The Ultenic T10 robotic vacuum/mop is perfect for those who want to keep their home clean, but don't have the time to do it themselves
  • The T10 works with your schedule to clean when you want it to
  • The T10 can practically take care of itself with a base that both charges the vacuum and empties it

We live in a world that seems to always be on the go, even during a pandemic. With more and more things to do and responsibilities to look after, household chores can often fall by the wayside. With the Ultenic T10 robotic vacuum/mop, cleaning the floors is one chore that can be passed off with ease. Not only can the Ultenic T10 map out and clean the floors of an entire living area by itself, it will even automatically empty its own dustbin to make cleaning easier.

In-Depth App

While I generally dislike devices that require an app to work, the Ultenic app is very in-depth and totally necessary to access all of the T10's features. And there are a lot of features.

The most basic is an auto-clean mode. This is what should be done the first time the Ultenic T10 is used, as it completely maps out the area around it while cleaning. There's more on the T10's mapping abilities below.


The app can also be used to pick specific areas of the home to clean, pick the cleaning mode for the Ultenic T10, control the T10 via a remote control, adjust settings and more. There's also a menu in the app that shows a countdown until specific parts like the filter and brushes need to be replaced. It's not exactly the most attractive or user friendly app out there, but the Ultenic app certainly gets the job done.

Perhaps the best use of the Ultenic app is its scheduling feature. It's possible to run the Ultenic T10 at specific times, or even have the vacuum clean specific areas of the home at specific times. Being able to set the T10 to run at 3:00 a.m. and wake up to a clean floor is pretty awesome.

Incredible Mapping Abilities

The first time I used the Ultenic T10 robotic vacuum/mop, I was blown away by its ability to map out my apartment. The T10 has a bunch of lasers and sensors on it, so that as it moves around a space it creates a map of where walls and furniture are. Watching my apartment get scanned in real time on the Ultenic app was really cool, especially with how accurate it was. The T10 even called out the spokes on my office chair.


What's more impressive is that once the Ultenic T10 finished with my entire apartment, it automatically broke down the map it had created into separate rooms with some decent accuracy. This breakdown allows users to tell the T10 to clean in specific areas and ignore others. These room boundaries can be edited and modified through the app as well, to get things exactly how you want them.

But How Does It Clean?

All the apps and mapping abilities in the world don't matter if the Ultenic T10 can't perform its core purpose of cleaning. Thankfully, the T10 is more than capable of picking up small messes to spruce up my apartment. I certainly wouldn't exclusively rely on the T10 to keep my apartment clean, especially if there's a big mess, but the T10 is great for maintaining a clean floor and doing routine touch ups.

There are a number of ways the Ultenic T10 actually cleans. The most evident from looking at the T10 is a multi-pronged brush that sticks out from the side. This brush helps the T10 get into corners and to clean along walls. The brush pushes all dust and debris under the T10, where a second brush scoops it up off the ground. This second brush is a wide brush with both bristles and rubber fins, and can pick up most anything.


These two brushes work well together, but they are both susceptible to getting covered in hair. Even after one use, there was a ton of hair caught in both brushes. Ultenic recommends both brushes get cleaned out once a week, but that's probably assuming daily use. Regardless, you'll definitely have to clear out the brushes somewhat regularly.

The T10 is great at picking up small to medium sized particles on the ground, but it also has a mop mode that can be used by clicking a mop pad onto the underside of the vacuum. The T10 has a water chamber to use when mopping, but that doesn't include any soap. Watching the T10 crawl around my apartment in mop mode reminded me of a slug, as both leave a wet trail behind them as they move. This water trail does dry fairly quickly though, so you don't have to worry about having a wet floor.

Like with the vacuum mode, the mop mode is fine enough for maintaining a clean floor, but I am not going to be calling in the T10 to clean up large spills or messes any time soon.


The Ultenic T10 has one main wheel it uses to steer and two larger wheels to move around. These larger wheels are great at going over the edge of carpets or climbing the bumps where a floor transitions from hardwood to tile or linoleum. There's also a sensor on the bottom of the T10 to prevent it from falling down stairs or over more steep edges.

Perhaps the most convenient feature the Ultenic T10 has is an auto-dump mode. Once finished cleaning, the T10 knows how to make its way back to its recharge dock, but the dock offers more than just electricity to recharge. Once docked, the T10 will automatically have its dust bin emptied directly into a bag in the base. This means you don't have to fiddle around with taking the dust bin off every time to empty the T10.


The only downside to the auto-dump mode is that it is loud. Once the T10 docks, the dock makes a similar sound to a very loud vacuum cleaner when it sucks out all of the debris from the T10. This loud sound lasts for around 15 to 30 seconds, so it is definitely noticeable. This loud sucking may be a detriment for those who want to run the T10 while they are sleeping, but the app can modify how frequently the T10 auto-dumps if owners want to keep things quiet.


The T10 has a pretty solid battery life, and vacuumed my entire apartment while only dropping down to 78 percent battery life. This was with a run time of a little under an hour. If you happen to have a larger area that needs to be cleaned and the T10's battery runs out, the vacuum will pick back up where it left off once recharged.

A potential issue to using the Ultenic T10 while not being around to monitor it is that the T10 can sometimes get itself into trouble while cleaning. This includes getting tangled in cords or getting stuck on the fringe of a carpet. The T10 does a mostly good job of keeping itself moving and free from obstacles, and definitely performs better than other robotic vacuum cleaners I have used in the past, but every now and then it does get hung up on something. This can be helped by simply clearing the floor of potential hazards, but sometimes you have a power strip filled with electrical plugs that can't really go anywhere and you just have to hope and monitor the T10 to make sure it's still moving.

Unnecessary Remote

The Ultenic T10 comes with a remote control that allows users to activate a number of functions. However, the remote lacks the features that the Ultenic app has. The remote also doesn't have a screen, meaning you can't easily tell the T10 where to clean. If the app is being used then there's no need for the remote control at all.


The one advantage of using the remote is that it doesn't require the T10 to be set up with the app. This is ideal for those who don't have WiFi or a smart device to run the app on. However, this also means users will be very limited with what their T10 can do.

Final Thoughts


With the dozens and dozens of different products I have reviewed, very rarely am I as amazed as I was with the Ultenic T10's mapping ability. Watching it digitally construct my apartment in real time was astounding. Add on the fact that the T10 also was cleaning up at the same time, and then emptied itself once automatically going back to recharge, and I'm a massive fan.

The Ultenic T10 is incredibly neat, innovative and easy to use. The only real downsides are that it can be a little loud, and that there's a pointless remote. Those who are interested in getting an Ultenic T10 might want to act somewhat quickly, as the vacuum currently has a $100 discount on Amazon.