Meloni hopes to posit Italy as a key bridge between Africa and Europe.

Italy's Meloni Targets Energy, Migration With Africa Plan

Energy deals in return for stopping migration. Prime Minister Meloni, who came to power in 2022 on an anti-migrant ticket, hopes to posit Italy as a key bridge between Africa and Europe, funnelling energy north while exchanging investment in the south for deals aimed at preventing migration.

Colombia Declares Emergency Over Raging Forest Fires

Authorities have warned of a "significant deterioration" in air quality in Bogota
Colombia has declared a state of emergency in two regions as dozens of forest fires burned wide swathes of the country and left the capital choking on smoke during record temperatures linked with the El Nino weather phenomenon.
A hockey player skates on one of the few open outdoor ice rinks at Laurier Park in Motnreal

Warming World Dampening Winter Sports In Canada

Christmas was without snow, then temperatures seesawed throughout January in much of Canada, as the increasing effects of climate change drastically dampen the country's winter sports season.
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Top Dutch bank ING is now in the legal crosshairs of the group

ING Targeted In New Dutch Climate Legal Case

The Dutch climate activists who won an historic court battle against Shell now have a new target -- top Dutch bank ING. Milieudefensie, the Dutch branch of Friends of the Earth, said Friday they have started legal proceedings against ING, and warned that other top companies could be next.
IEA chief Fatih Birol told AFP fair trade is 'a good friend' of the energy transition

Trade Barriers Can Slow Energy Transition: IEA Chief

Trade barriers can slow the world's energy transition but commerce also needs to be fair, International Energy Agency chief Fatih Birol said Wednesday, as world powers tussle over the technologies key to fighting climate change.
Japan's 'Moon Sniper' lander took off from Tanegashima Space Centre aboard a H-IIA rocket in September

High Hopes For Japan's 'Moon Sniper' Mission

Japan's "Moon Sniper" spacecraft will attempt a historic touchdown on the lunar surface this weekend using pinpoint technology the country hopes will lead to success where many have failed.
Genesis Systems co-founder Shannon Stuckenberg discusses the inner workings of a WaterCube device that extracts water from the air during the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas

Green Tech Pumps Water From Air At CES

Tech aimed at battling climate change and even pumping fresh water out of thin air attracted crowds as the annual CES gadget extravaganza showed its green side.
Burnt trees are seen after illegal fires were lit by farmers in Manaquiri, Amazonas state in September 2023

Deforestation In Brazilian Amazon Halved In 2023

Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by half last year, according to figures released Friday, as President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's government bolstered environmental policing to crack down on surging destruction.
The Navajo Nation, America's largest Indigenous tribe, has raised serious concerns over the presence of human cremated remains on a lunar lander vehicle, calling the mission a "desecration" of the Moon

Navajo Object To Depositing Human Remains On Moon

The United States will soon launch its first spacecraft to attempt a soft lunar landing since the Apollo era, in a historic collaboration with the private sector -- but not everyone is celebrating.


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