The Arizona wildfires continue to rage on and challenge firefighters as stronger winds on Saturday exacerbate the situation. It's also now threatening New Mexico.

On Friday when the winds subsided to about 15 mph, firefighters wrestled some control and gained 6 percent containment. Previously, the contained was 0 percent. The fire's containment is on the northeastern edge while its advance is on the north side.

On Saturday, however, the winds have picked up to possibly 25 to 35 mph.

Moreover, the massive smokes from the fires are threatening the health of both firefighters and nearby residents.

The fire has consumed 640 square miles already, making it the second largest wildfire in Arizona history. It has destroyed 30 homes and uprooted thousands of people.

Now, on Saturday, the fire is threatening Arizona's neighboring state of New Mexico. On Friday night, pockets of fires were already spotted in New Mexico, according to AP.

In preparation, firefighters set ablaze the fire's expected path to New Mexico to starve it of burning material, reported CBS.

The Arizona wildfires in 2011 were believed to been started by two unattended manmade fires. It quickly spread due to high winds, high temperature, and dry weather.