Better Call Saul
In addition to the return of Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), there have been a bunch of references to "Breaking Bad" in the first two episodes of "Better Call Saul" Season 1. AMC

The first two episodes of “Better Call Saul” have proved to be the perfect mix of a new and original show, and the “Breaking Bad” fix fans were craving. The show largely stands on its own, chronicling the bumpy rise of shady lawyer Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), but there have been plenty of references to “Breaking Bad” already in the show’s debut episodes.

Here are seven “Breaking Bad” Easter eggs from the first two episodes:

1. Saul’s Best Case Scenario

The premiere of “Better Call Saul” began with a prologue from the present – present here meaning following the events of “Breaking Bad. ” The lawyer was working at a Cinnabon restaurant and sporting a Walter White-esque mustache while presumably hiding out after the debacle of an end to “Breaking Bad.” Savvy fans will remember that Saul totally predicted his cinnamon covered fate in his last scene of “Breaking Bad,” telling Walter White (Bryan Cranston), “I’m not your lawyer any more. I’m nobody’s lawyer! From now on, I’m Mr. Low Profile…If I’m lucky, a month from now, best case scenario, I’m managing a Cinnabon in Omaha.” Hey, at least he got his best case scenario, right?

2. Saul’s Channel Surfing

Still in the premiere’s prologue, Saul returns home to his grungy Omaha apartment where he watches TV. The former lawyer ends up watching a tape of some of his old “Better Call Saul” commercials -- a pretty obvious reference to “Breaking Bad” – in a fit of nostalgia. However, the real gem of an Easter egg is the channel surfing that goes on before Saul pops in the VHS. For a brief moment, Saul watches a documentary about the African Pancake Tortoise, showing a tortoise that looks suspiciously similar to one from a certain episode of “Breaking Bad” famous for carrying some unusual cargo – Danny Trejo’s severed head.

3. Saul’s Ride

Eventually, the series goes back six years before “Breaking Bad” to begin the timeline from when Saul was just a fledgling public defender named Jimmy McGill. However, there are still plenty of references to the parent show. One comes as Saul rushes out of the court house to his car. The shot at first shows a nice looking Cadillac, very much like the lawyer’s “Breaking Bad” wheels, but the camera soon pans to reveal that Jimmy’s car is a beat up 1998 Suzuki Esteem. The scene was a subtle wink at the lawyer’s future financial success.

4. Saul’s Favorite Restaurant

In the premiere, Saul, eager to impress the Kettlemans – two prospective clients – but embarrassed of his shabby office, meets the couple in Loyola’s Family Restaurant. The restaurant – which apparently really exists – remained a favorite meeting spot for Saul throughout “Breaking Bad,” appearing multiple times, most notably in some of those tense scenes with Lydia (Laura Fraser) and Mike (Jonathan Banks) in the final two seasons.

5. Saul’s Windshield

Saul’s windshield is broken in the premiere when two skater scam artists throw themselves in front of his car to try and coerce a pay day out of Saul. Later, Saul enlists the two teens to pull the trick on the Kettlemans to help trick them into hiring him. This continues a storied tradition of windshield breaking from “Breaking Bad” as it seemed to be almost impossible for Walter White to keep the one on his car intact.

6. Saul’s Favorite Front

Saul’s, well, Jimmy McGill’s office is located in the back of a nail salon. This is, presumable, due to money issues and is all he can afford, but fans cannot help but remember an early scene from “Breaking Bad” when Saul suggested a nail salon as a possible front for Walter White to launder his money – they ended up deciding on a laser tag arena and the car wash.

7. Saul’s Familiar Faces

While more a straightforward reference than an Easter egg, it has been fun to see so many familiar faces from the “Breaking Bad” universe showing up in the first two episodes of “Better Call Saul.” Saul and Mike were expected, but it was a pleasant surprise to see Tuco Salamanca (Raymond Cruz) back as well. The drug dealer has now been a Season 1 bad guy in both series.

What’s your favorite “Breaking Bad” Easter egg? Tweet your thoughts to @Ja9GarofaloTV.