But Women Still Prefer Implants
The new silicon material developed by the medical researchers could potentially help in the production of biointerfaces. Reuters

It is said that beauty is only skin deep, but thanks to plastic surgery, you can fix and alter your physical appearance if you have the money. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), breast lift procedures are growing at twice the rate of implant surgeries. The society is the largest organization of certified plastic surgeons, representing more than 7,000 member surgeons in the U.S.

Implants are still the preferred choice, but the growth of lift surgeries indicates a different desire for a fuller augmentation, as opposed to size. While performing a lift, doctors remove excess skin and tighten the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.

In 2013 more than 90,000 breast lift surgeries were performed by these member surgeons, with 70 percent of the procedures being performed for women age 30-54. Reason for lifts include breast changes due to childbirth, breast-feeding, aging and weight fluctuation.

The statistics show that breast augmentation is the most popular procedure for women. The top five cosmetic surgeries in 2013 also include nose re-shaping, eyelid surgery, liposuction and face-lifts.