Brian David Mitchell will be spending his whole life in prison for kidnapping Elizabeth Smart, a judge ruled today.

Mitchell, 57, was convicted for kidnapping and unlawful transportation of a minor across state lines to engage in sexual activity.

Smart, 23 year old, was in the Salt Lake City courtroom Wednesday with her mother Lois, sister Mary Katherine and father Ed Smart.

Mitchell abducted, raped and kept a 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart captive for nine months.

Mitchell, the maniac used to call himself the Davidic King and had also written a book called The Book of Immanuel David Isaiah.

Smart revealed that she was forced to consume alcohol and marijuana which she detested. She also confessed that she was tied to tree by a metal cable for almost six months. Smart described her nine-month ordeal as nine months of hell.

Smart told reporters Wednesday that she was determined to dedicate her life to child advocacy, to help stop and prevent future kidnapping crimes, sexual crimes against children, against anyone.