The International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) opened on Monday with a call for improved trade policies in the United States and open global market engagement as well as improving immigration conditions.

In the opening key note for the show, the president and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), Gary Shapiro, raised concerns about the immigration laws that limit the number of people who enter the United States market and called on the US government to improve the trade policies so as to open up its market to the international market in order to boost the US economy.

The US policies must be improved to allow free trade and other countries to access its market, said Gary Shapiro in his opening keynote address.

Those that fear free trade don't understand the facts, Shapiro said. Technology is a shining star of the economy. High tech is America's largest export sector.

Shapiro said talented immigrants who can work for the US technology firms should be allowed to enter the United States since technology has a high contribution to the US economy.

We are fighting for our future here. It is not just about free trade, technology and the freedom to innovate, it is our soul. A great nation does not erect walls, it engages the world, added Shagiro.

About 140,000 people including 2,700 electronics, internet and software companies from around the world are exhibiting their latest technology innovations in Las Vegas.

Some of the latest technological innovations that were unveiled include modified flat screen television sets, computer-controlled homes and cars as well as mobile phones.

The show will run up to January 10.