An investigation unveiled that fans inadvertently contributed to Ryan Dunn's death as they bought drinks for him through out the last night of his life.

Dunn, the star of slap-stick comedy 'Jackass' the TV show, and movie, was killed on Monday after his Porsche flew off the highway and slammed into trees.

He died from the impact and the resulting fire, which engulfed the vehicle.

Police, recounting his final hours, said that Dunn had purchased two beers and six shots, not enough to equate to the 0.196 blood alcohol level he had at the time of the crash.

Further investigation showed that fans purchased Dunn one beer two additional shots before 2 a.m., according to Liquor Control Enforcement Sgt. William La Torre.

Dunn didn't accept everything that was given to him, but it was enough to severely impair his judgment and reaction time as it began to impact his system.

The drinks Dunn consumed just before closing time likely spiked Dunn's blood alcohol level, La Torre said.

La Torre told Chester County's DLN newspaper that there are two reasons Dunn likely did not appear visibly intoxicated before leaving to bar.

First, according to people who knew him, Dunn had a high tolerance for alcohol, he said. Second, Dunn reportedly did not consume any food while he was drinking.

Additionally, La Torre said, in general an alcoholic drink takes roughly 30 minutes to affect a person, which would have been about the time the crash occurred.

His BAC was likely on its way up at the time of the crash given the drinks he consumed at the end of the night, La Torre said.

The Chester County coroner listed blunt force trauma and thermal trauma as the official causes of death for both men. But the definitive answer will take over six weeks as toxicology results return to the labs.

A preliminary examination of the crash site suggested that Dunn's Porsche might have been traveling more than 100 mph in the 55 mph zone when it jumped a guardrail and struck a tree and burst into flames.

Dunn, 34, is survived by his immediate family which includes his father, mother, a sister and two brothers, according to the Home.

Dunn's Friend, Zachary Daniel Hartwell, 30, was also killed in the accident. His funeral will be held on June 25 at the Home.

READ: [PHOTO] Ryan Dunn Dead: His Last Known Picture