The funeral for Patrick Limoges was held Sunday at his hometown of Trios-Riviers, Que,. Sunday, five days after his death by a stray bullet in the police shootings. Families and friends gathered to remember the 36-year-old hospital worker, under a state of shock and disbelief trying to find some sense of his death.

Mario Hamel, 40, was laid to rest a day earlier, at a small service in Montreal attended by his ex-wife and four children and dozen or so mourners expressing his death as a shock.

Patrick Limoges was on his way to work Tuesday when Police opened fire across the street on Mario Hamel who was using a knife to rip open garbage bags and allegedly threatened them with a knife.

Flowers surrounded Limoges' square black and gold urn with a note pinned to one of the bouquet, You who were so talented and so generous, paid with your life for the folly of men.

Many fought to control their emotions but reserved judgment on the circumstances of Limoges' death. Others were more vocal about their opinions.

Limoges' boss in the buildings and services department at the hospital said, the security at his work often faces agitated people With a pair of gloves and a little talking, they are able to bring them under control. Why, he wondered, could police not do the same?

A friend who was at the Hamel's Saturday memorial expressed at a a local TV station, Hamel's death is a disgusting incident , because it was a case of one man with a knife against four officers with guns.

The incident has raised questions about why officers couldn't have used other means, such as stun guns, to end the apparent confrontation with Hamel.

The Quebec government website says 72 people in the province have been killed or seriously injured by a bullet during police operations since 1999.