The 9.0 magnitude earthquake that hit the north-eastern zone of Japan and the subsequent tsunami disabled emergency generators required to cool rectors at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.

Over the following three weeks, there was evidence of a partial nuclear meltdown in units 1, 2 and 3; visible explosions, suspected to be caused by hydrogen gas.

There was also a suspected explosion in unit 2 that may have damaged the primary containment vessel; and a possible uncovering of the units 1, 3 and 4 spent fuel pools. Due to this, the government announced evacuation of natives and workers in and around the region.

As radiation levels in the power plant exceeded safety levels, workers struggling to control the overheated reactors faced new threats to their health.

With only two meals a day, the group of workers named Fukushima 50, risked their lives in order to stabilize the reactors. By March 18, twenty workers had been injured while working at the nuclear plant. 3 workers were exposed and 2 were rushed to hospital having up to 180mSv, which is less than the maximum 250mSv that the government is allowing for workers at the plant.

Get an insider's view of the Fukushima plant where the workers are struggling to protect the lives of millions: