On Tuesday, Intel unveiled new low power Xeon chips which automatically lower its power usage when not in use.

The new low voltage version of the Intel Xeon 5500 series processor, dubbed “Xeon L5530, provides performance per watt improvements in blades and high-density computing.

The Intel Xeon 5500 series features Intel Turbo Boost Technology, Integrated power gates and Intel Virtualization Technology FlexMigration.

The chips series can scale power consumption based on workloads demands. Consumption during the demands periods are high but when low demands, the processors automatically decrease power consumption.

The chip also has capabilities to adopt performance on demand through Intel Turbo Boost Technology that automatically boost processors when needed.

In addition, Intel announces dual-socket workstation chip for threaded and non-threaded workstation environments. The Intel Xeon W5590 processor running at 3.33GHz; and two single-socket workstation chips, the W3580 running at 3.33GHz and the W3550 running at 3.06GHz.