Ever want to get the last bit of peanut butter out of those poorly-designed jars and end up with your hands covered in the delicious spread? Or have thoughts of sticking your tongue directly into the jar only to realize how pathetic your life is? (I guess I will speak for myself on that one…).

Thanks to a stroke of genius from NC State University entrepreneurs, a new invention will prevent the dreaded “peanut butter knuckles” conundrum and help you get your money’s worth of peanut butter, salsa, Nutella and all your favorite jarred, spreadable products.

“The next time you get peanut butter on your knuckles or break a chip while trying to delicately dip into the last bit of salsa, you'll wish you had one,” the company says.

Jar with a Twist works very much like a deodorant stick as a container that twists on the bottom, creating a mess-free way to get the last drop of your favorite spread. The developers boast the twisting container will give a “full-jar effect even when the jar is empty” so you “get every ounce you pay for, without the mess.”

“The solution didn’t come right at first, but somehow or another we jumped to deodorant-style peanut butter jars,” developer Steve Smith told Fast Code Design. “It sounded crazy, but we thought it just might work.”

In a hilarious infomercial that was first posted on Reddit on Saturday, developers demonstrated how the Jar with a Twist will “revolutionize the jarred condiment industry” with a simple twist of the container's bottom. The creators estimated the additional cost to produce their product to be just an extra three cents per unit ($0.13 cents in comparison to the run-of-the-mil $0.10 jar). The team of four said consumers would likely spend an extra 30 to 40 cents for their favorite spread on store shelves, but that amount could equate to – or even be less than – how much consumers throw away in scrapings on the bottom of ordinary jars.

Best of all, Smith told Fast Code Design the product is eco-friendly and is merely “a normal peanut butter jar plus one more lid” in plastic materials.

However, a patent is still pending for the twistable container but the group hopes to tackle the $2 billion peanut butter market first before moving on to other jarred condiments.

“While the idea is simple and we often hear ‘I could have thought of that,’ there is a lot to be said for the six months of prototyping and testing we have conducted,” Smith told Fast Code Design, explaining how it all began with 3D printing. “We believe we are putting in the effort to make this product consumer-ready.”

So far, there’s no word on when this will emerge on the market. But, I’ll speak for everyone here: Let’s hope it’s soon.