If you’re not an accountant or an attorney, the various nuances, intricacies and legal jargon of taxation can be like a minefield that you have no hope of navigating independently. Thankfully, for those wishing to take control of their tax planning and preparation process, there have been significant breakthroughs. Republican Candidate John Anthony Castro is an internationally renowned tax attorney. He recently launched an Ai-powered software called AiTax, which is posed to entirely upend the tax planning and preparation industry.

With several decades of experience as a leading tax attorney, John was looking for ways to integrate artificial intelligence into the tax planning and preparation process. AiTax works by utilizing artificial intelligence to engage with users to analyze and identify opportunities concerning personal income tax planning. AiTax is designed to make the tax preparation process simple for everyone. John added, “Tax planning and even preparation can be complicated and time-consuming. I aimed to harness AI to revolutionize the process.”

John Anthony Castro is the man who created the highly-regard International Tax Online Law Journal. NYU Law has also recognized it as an authoritative source for legal articles. The 36-year-old founding partner of law firm Castro & Co. is also the author of International Taxation in Plain English. Now he’s poured his vast legal knowledge and skill on all things related to taxation into a cutting-edge software which is going to help millions. “I first chose to specialize as an international tax attorney focusing on private individual clients because I saw a huge market void. I wanted to help people,” explained Castro. “Individuals had very few options for quality legal counsel. I saw a market need and provided a solution. It’s been gratifying on a personal and professional basis.”

John Anthony Castro Launches Software That Implements AI In The Tax Preparation Process
John Anthony Castro Launches Software That Implements AI In The Tax Preparation Process John Anthony Castro

With the launch of AiTax, Castro is confident that millions of people can use it and become self-reliant. Castro has long been a man with many interests. In January 2020, he announced his intention to challenge the incumbent United States Senator, John Cornyn. He is currently forming an exploratory committee for a possible Presidential campaign in 2024.

Castro was born in Germany to parents who had both been born in Texas. Castro was raised in a small German rural community until the age of eight when his parents returned to America. He excelled at school and eventually graduated from Washington DC’s Georgetown University Law Center with a Master of Law in Taxation. His legal career was meteoric, and in 2014 he formally announced the opening of Castro & Co. With revenue tripling every year, the firm now has offices in Washington DC, Miami, Dallas, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, and New York.

Not one to rest on his laurels, Castro turned his hand to working on implementing the use of artificial intelligence in tax planning and preparation, and AiTax was born. Castro explained, “I’m extremely excited about AiTax. This is more than tax preparation like TurboTax. This software brings the entire process of a tax law firm into your home. It’s been in the works for some time. I believe it will prove ground-breaking and make millions of people’s lives easier when it comes to staying in control of the tax planning and preparation process.”