Lisa Irwin, the baby girl whose disappearance from her Kansas City home nearly two months ago continues to haunt law enforcement agencies and the nation at large, is still missing. Police officials have not given up hope and are busy putting together thousands of clues to make that all-important breakthrough.

The case has attracted a number of rumors and speculative theories, each of which points to different people and incidents, tagging them as vital points in the timeline of the child's disappearance.

In addition to police investigations, inquiries have also been instituted by private agents; one such person is Kansas City-based Ron Rugen, who shared a few insights in his blog posts.

Among other points, Rugen hints at Deborah Bradley's, Lisa's mother, mobile phone and says that it could be the one object capable of answering several questions in the case.

You're not going to pocket dial some random phone number by accident that happens to be 1.1 miles away from the crime scene, wrote Rugen, referring to inquiries into a call reportedly made from Deborah's phone to one belonging to Megan Wright. He also wrote that he believed concentrating on four to five main people and reversing the call issue could fetch vital clues.

Of those that either had access to or was believed to be able to be reached via Megan Wright's cell phone that night: Megan Wright, Dane G., John Jersey Tanko, or the couple who are the head of the household Megan was staying in. When you consider this small number of people and you work your way back to who may have tried to call them, it may help come closer to solving part of this mystery, he wrote in his blog post.

Ron Rugen is a private investigator with nine years of experience in the Federal government and seven with the Missouri state government (including the Missouri Department of Social Services).

Watch videos below to see case locations:

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