Full video, audio and a transcript of Federal Reserve Bank chief Ben Bernanke’s appearance on PBS’ News Hour with Jim Lehrer is available online.

The television news program made complete video clips of its segments available, including MP3 audio and a full transcript on its website.

While television segments titled “Bernanke on the Record” will be aired on television from Monday through Wednesday this week, the program has made all segments available online before they air.

At the forum, located on the premises of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank, Bernanke takes questions from audience members pre-screened by the producers of the News Hour program. The program also interspersed its own background segments into the broadcast.

Embedded video clips can be seen below. Audio and transcript links are also provided

Links: Transcript, MP3 audio link, Video

Below are embedded videos from the program:

Part One: Bernanke on the Record (27 minutes)

Part Two: Bernanke on the Record (18 minutes)

Part Three: Bernanke on the Record (26 minutes)