Craig Davison - Star Wars Shadow
Craig Davison's "Shadow" paintings went viral, again, last week. Craig Davison

When you were a kid, the best toy was always your imagination. Sure, you could argue that a PlaySation, Xbox, iPad or any smartphone offers more fun, but that would be missing the point. With a quick thought, you and your friends were off on the latest adventure in some far-flung locale without ever having to leave the neighborhood. Craig Davison knows just what it meant to be a kid -- it was all about the ideas, creative spark and imagination that lurked in the shadows.

Davison's art combines pop culture with a sense of nostalgia for our youth. A kid holding cardboard tubes and a pencil is transformed into Han Solo. Davison's artwork got a recent bump in popularity after his "Star Wars" artwork was shared on Reddit last week. It's not the first time the Internet got hold of his work, nor will it be the last.

Craig Davison - Star Wars
For a kid, anything is possible, even becoming Han Solo. Craig Davison

"My younger brother and I used to ride our bicycles around whilst making engine noises with our mouths, occasionally shouting "Jeet-jeer! Jeet-jeer!" to indicate that we were firing our blasters. We'd have to fly very slowly when we were 'cloaked' - which happened whenever we needed to pedal uphill - and then engage our hyperdrives to make a quick escape from enemy territory. Eventually, one of us would 'get hit' and 'crash' and be forced to brave some hostile terrain or another on-foot ... but fortunately, we were always armed," said one Redditor about how Davison's art reminded him of his own childhood.

Sparky Gargarin
Craig Davison's "Sparky Gargarin" painting. Craig Davison

Davison's work includes a similar shadow set for girls, a "Batman"-themed gallery and even a few sculptures.

Bobba Fett
Craig Davison's "Bobba Fett" shadow painting. Craig Davison
Craig Davison - Star Wars 3
In childhood, a cardboard box could easily pass for the Millennium Falcon. Craig Davison
This was Craig Davison's first "Shadow" painting from 2008. Craig Davison
Craig Davison's "Wolfman" sketch. Craig Davison
Craig Davison's "Girls" painting. Craig Davison