Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson hosts "StarTalk" on National Geographic Channel. National Geographic Channel

I kind of blew Neil deGrasse Tyson's mind today. In a scheduled interview to discuss "StarTalk" and anything else in the universe, I asked Tyson his thoughts about being featured in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." He chuckled when I told him the trailer had leaked and someone who sounded just like him was featured in the first moments of the clip. He had no idea the video was out there and laughed.

"I'm sworn to secrecy on this one," Tyson said as he trailed off. While on the phone, Tyson quickly went to the Internet to find one of the many places the "Batman v Superman" trailer appeared. Hearing the sounds in the background, a familiar voice can be heard saying, "We're talking about a being whose very existence challenges our own sense of priority in the universe."

"So, I'm curious ... what does it mean for a trailer to leak if it exists as a trailer at all?" Tyson said. "Here's what I will tell you officially, you ready? I will neither confirm nor deny," Tyson said while breaking out in laughter before completing that sentence. Whether it's actually Tyson or some other person who sounds just like him remains to be seen.

Judge for yourself when you view the "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" trailer in one of many places hosting the leak. The actual premiere of the trailer was scheduled for an event Monday, but as with anything today ... expect leaks.

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