Virgin Games, an online gaming company, has revealed the luckiest and unluckiest star signs when it comes to winning money, by analyzing database of its 50,000 players who have had a winning session of more than GBP1000.

As per the findings of Virgin Games' data, Aquarius is the luckiest zodiac sign, followed by Capricorn and Taurus; while Libra has been found the most unlucky sign for winning money in games.

Check your ranking based on your zodiac sign on the luck scale below:

1. Aquarius
2. Capricorn
3. Taurus
4. Gemini
5. Virgo
6. Cancer
7. Leo
8. Aries
9. Pisces
10. Scorpio
11. Sagittarius
12. Libra

Astrologers do not consider it a persistent finding and say that one should never give up if one’s sign falls at the bottom of the lucky/unlucky chart.

All signs have the potential for being lucky and as the planets are constantly moving, people will move in and out of lucky phases,” Russell Grant, expert astrologer commented.

Following the finding by Virgin Games, one of the leading gaming websites in the UK, Grant provides below some insight into the planetary position in the coming months to help all 12 zodiac signs brace for luck and ill-luck. He says:

Saturn has been traveling retrograde in Libra for some months now but would turn direct from mid-June onwards, when Librans could well start to see more good fortune in their life.

Also in June, the lucky planet Jupiter will be entering Taurus. Taurus already seems to have had more than its fair share of luck lately and that's probably because this careful sign will have cleverly worked out gambling tactics that help them improve their gambling odds.

It is interesting to see that all the more cautious Earth signs: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo are in the top five lucky signs.

What can the more impulsive Fire signs Leo, Aries and Sagittarius learn from this? Maybe to curb their impulsiveness, work out the odds, take calculated risks and pause and watch for the next good opportunity.

Libra, the only Air sign at the bottom of the list has a tendency to vacillate and as the old saying goes: he who hesitates is lost. So as Librans pull themselves out of a more restrictive Saturn phase, they should take a leaf out of their Aquarian friends' books and let their motto be: He who dares, wins!, Russell Grant signs off.