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New Gigapixel Camera Zooms In On Minute Details

Engineers have developed a camera that can potentially capture up to 50 gigapixels of data - or 50,000 megapixels. That's a huge leap ahead of most digital cameras on the general market that take photographs between 8 and 40 megapixels in size.
Nik Wallenda

Stuntman Nik Wallenda Completes Tightrope Walk Over Niagara Falls

Nik Wallenda, a member of the famed Flying Wallendas family of aerialists, completed a historic tightrope crossing through the mist over Niagara Falls Gorge on Friday, stepping from a 2-inch wire onto safe ground in Canada to wild cheers from a crowd of thousands.
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Lake Of Methane Found On Saturn's Moon, Titan

Researchers in the United States believe they have discovered a possible lake on Saturn's moon Titan composed mostly of liquid methane in its tropic region. Scientists also believe that the moon might be filled with underground wells of hydrocarbons.
4. 2012 Chevy Volt.

HOV-Lane Access Drives Electric Car Sales In California

Sales of the Chevrolet Volt Hybrid-Electric Vehicle (HEV) have experienced a resurgence in California following tweaks that now allow the car from General Motors Company (NYSE: GM) to qualify for High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane access.
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden

Some U.S. colleges To Disclose More On Education Costs

Ten private U.S. colleges and state university systems announced plans on Tuesday to be more upfront about the costs of higher education, including detailing the monthly loan payments students would face after graduation.


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