A patient in Washington state infected with the coronavirus died Saturday, marking the first U.S. fatality due to the virus. The virus, officially named COVID-19, originated at an animal and seafood market in Wuhan, China, and has caused fears of a potential pandemic.

Symptoms of the coronavirus include fever, cough and shortness of breath. These symptoms typically show two to 14 days after exposure. In more severe cases, the virus causes pneumonia or even organ failure. Sometimes the virus does not cause any symptoms at all.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the coronavirus is believed to mainly spread from person to person and between people whose contact is within six feet of one another. It can be spread through "respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes." Viral particles can also be transmitted through physical touch, such as shaking hands. Health experts have asked people to frequently wash their hands to prevent the spread of the virus.

People with mild symptoms may recover in a few days, while those with pneumonia could take weeks to recuperate. The virus is most deadly to elderly people with preexisting health conditions.

The CDC recommends that individuals who have the virus be isolated either while at the hospital or at home. Per CDC guidelines, these individuals who no longer have the virus can be released from quarantine when they no longer have a fever or are showing symptoms. They will also have to test negative on two or more tests conducted at least 24 hours apart.

There are currently over 85,000 cases of coronavirus worldwide, with the death toll over 2,900 people.