U.S. President Barack Obama listens in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. REUTERS

In a column for Bloomberg, Jeffrey Goldberg writes that Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad isn't the only one crossing "red lines" today. Goldberg points out at least three instances in which President Barack Obama has crossed the line.

"Obama also crossed a red line by frightening allies through indecision. The U.S. is still the greatest power in the world, and its friends look to it for leadership. Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and even the U.K. and other European powers don't quite understand Obama's reluctance to get more deeply engaged in the Syrian crisis. (Note to apoplectic isolationists: Engagement doesn't have to mean armed intervention.) Allies have been lobbying for more than a year and half for Obama to provide weapons and training to the Syrian opposition, and the White House still won't commit."

So Much For 'Hope And Change'

Over at National Review, Jim Geraghty isn't much happier. And his Morning Jolt column is filled with scandal, as he called it. Check it out here. But perhaps the best part is the photo that merges President Obama's face with that of former President Richard M. Nixon at the bottom of the piece.