• MiHoYo has released an official interactive map for "Genshin Impact"
  • The map shows the location of all chests in the game
  • Puzzles and other open-world interactables also reveal chests

Finding and looting treasure chests is one of the main activities players can do in “Genshin Impact’s” large open world. Chests are great sources of low-tier artifacts and weapons that can be used as EXP fodder, as well as a bunch of Mora, Adventure EXP and Primogems.

However, these chests can be difficult to find, especially for high AR players who have opened most of the game’s chests during their adventures. Furthermore, chests don’t respawn, making them unreliable as a consistent source of currencies and materials.

These inherent drawbacks make treasure chests all the more valuable. Opening all of them can be an extremely tedious and frustrating process, but there is a way to make treasure hunting a bit easier. Here’s how to spot all of “Genshin Impact’s” treasure chests to gain the most amount money and materials possible.

MiHoYo’s Official Interactive Map

There have been a few interactive maps in the past, but the official one that was recently released by MiHoYo is arguably the best one to use. The official map is the easiest one to use among all of the other options, and its UI much more polished than the rest. The only requirement to use this map is to log in with a “Genshin Impact” account.

The interactive map lets players view the current version of Teyvat from their web browser. From here, players can tick the resources they want to find on the menu to the left. This menu includes the locations of all chests in the game.

An overlook view of Monstadt, the City of Freedom, Genshin Impact
An overlook view of Monstadt, the City of Freedom, in Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact

However, it’s important to note that some chests are locked behind seelies, puzzles, challenges and interactable objects. Liyue in particular has an abundance of chests hidden behind environmental puzzles.

Fortunately, this interactive map also shows the location of every single open-world puzzle in the game to make treasure hunting that much easier. Don’t forget to unpin the icons on the World Map screen to make tracking easier.

This method can help new and veteran players alike, especially those who are trying to complete treasure chest-related achievements and Travel Log objectives. “Genshin Impact” players who want to gain as many Primogems from chests should prioritize getting the 32 Luxurious Chests first, as each reward up to 40 Primogems.