GettyImages-Hong Kong protests July 1
Anti-government protesters break into the government headquarters in Hong Kong on July 1, 2019, on the 22nd anniversary of the city's handover from Britain to China. They smashed reinforced glass windows and broke open metal shutters that were blocking their way VIVEK PRAKASH/AFP/Getty Images

Violent protests and clashes rocked the 22nd anniversary of Hong Kong’s China handover on Monday.

According to the latest reports, protesters stormed into the city government’s headquarters breaking metal barricades and other obstacles. The violent protesters are now having a free run inside.

Helmeted protesters crossed security checkpoints and started smashing metal doors to get access into the building that is known as Legislative Council (LegCo).

According to live TV, the area lost the police cover which had been shielding it from protesters. The internal barrier that blocked the crowd from penetrating into the building is gone now.

Combative protesters and a larger group are still marching through Hong Kong's streets airing their anger at the city's leader, Carrie Lam, and her leaders in Beijing.

Angry protest against Carrie Lam

Lam’s backing to Hong Kong's extradition law letting China take anyone with a criminal record from Hong Kong to face the mainland's judicial system increased fears of ending liberty and protests have gained force.

During the night, more protesters are expected to join the area surrounding the government building. What one sees is a sea of humanity wearing yellow helmets and megaphone announcements and chants stirring the atmosphere.

The protesting body asks cadres to manage safety

Meanwhile, the Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) that organized the protest said “we could not reach an agreement with police” regarding protests around the Legco building.

It urged protesters joining the Legco crowd that the march from Southorn Playground to Chater Road is not approved by the police and protesters must take note of possible legal implications and care for own safety.

Thousands of protesters who joined the demonstration zone outside LegCo’s public entrances are still around. They have wrapped their arms in cling film to protect from pepper spray.

In the morning, there was a flag-raising ceremony to mark the handover at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre with heavy police presence.

There also demonstrators blocked many roads using metal and plastic barriers. Police officers tried to shoo away protesters with shields, batons and pepper spray. They clashed with protesters some 30 minutes before the ceremony.

Rallies against extradition bill

Hong Kong’s turmoil has been continuing for many weeks over the controversial extradition bill. After violent protests, the government agreed to freeze the bill indefinitely. But rallies are on seeking the ouster of Chief Executive Carrie Lam, who is believed to be the main supporter of the bill.

The former British colony ceded to China in 1997 but the deal mandated one country, two systems with administrative autonomy and judicial independence intact. But critics allege China is trying to expand control on the city and extradition bill is the latest act.

Pro-democracy activists hold demonstrations every year. But this year, the protests have turned bitter and violent.