• Consumers are contemplating the necessity of large, environmentally taxing homes.

  • Zomes provides a contemporary, eco-friendly alternative to tiny homes.

  • Housing shortages and increased mortgage debt could push US consumers into reconsidering their housing options.

In recent years, there has been a subtle, but tangible, transition in the way consumers think about the housing market. For many, this has meant a notable reconsideration of what a home can, or should, provide. Within the context of a global recognition of alarming environmental concerns, consumers have been held accountable for their purchases, and their lifestyle.

This is no exception within the housing industry. People are asking: Are large homes necessary?

Zomes are a new participant in the eco-friendly home movement; creating beautiful, sustainable and secure, dome-like homes. This company boasts a dynamic and innovative approach to contemporary living, by reimagining the housing market.

In 2021, the total mortgage debt for the US reached 17.6 trillion dollars. Additionally, housing shortages have become an immense cause for concern. The problem seems to be that there is not enough housing in the US, and that the property market is exceedingly expensive for consumers. Alternative and sustainable homes, or ‘Accessory dwelling units,’ could potentially solve this problem by offering an inexpensive form of housing.

Why Consumers are Rethinking the Housing Market


Traditional housing is known for not only costing a significant amount of money for purchase, but for maintaining in the long run. For a home to be lived in for years, or even decades, the maintenance required is lengthy and expensive. Similarly, traditional homes require a tremendous amount of energy to sustain. This can become very costly.

It is also to be noted that a large percentage of homeowners that opted for smaller, eco-friendly dwelling units did not require a mortgage upon purchase. This means that overall debt for consumers has considerably decreased.

The Environment

Smaller homes offer notable benefits for the environment. For one, dwelling units require far less natural resources to create. This translates to less expenses, as well as a home that is both secure, and eco-friendly.

The energy consumption of these types of dwelling units is far less than traditional homes. A smaller space naturally requires less energy to heat, cool and maintain. Similarly, dwelling units are known to operate on propane, instead of gas. This is beneficial, as propane is far more energy efficient than natural gas.

Smaller, eco-friendly units are also frequently customized to be off-the-grid. Meaning, they utilize tools like solar power panels and rainwater collector systems.


Many people who are considering purchasing a dwelling unit, or have an existing unit, are invested in the idea of minimalism. This requires less clutter, less waste, and more utilization of necessities. Similarly, this opens doors to narrowing down excessive items to that which is important. Minimalism also naturally leads to less consumption. Minimalism does not mean that your home can not be stylish; Zomes, for instance, are built to be attractive, and modern.

Introducing the Next-Generation of Eco-Friendly Tiny Houses
Introducing the Next-Generation of Eco-Friendly Tiny Houses Zomes

The Eco-Friendly Home Industry

Tiny homes are a popularized form of alternative and sustainable living. These are made out of wood, and cannot be moved, or disassembled. They cost on average 100,000 dollars to create, and can take up to a year to build and assemble. Most tiny homes only have a lifespan of up to 20 years. Zomes on the other hand, are built to last longer, and be more secure and sustainable.

With the rise in minimalist living, there are quite a few more options than tiny homes, like Yurts for example, but they come with their own setbacks. Yurts will be livable for approximately 10-15 years, compared to Zomes’ 100-year lifespan. Whilst Yurts are cheaper, they are made using materials like polyester and vinyl, unlike the luxury, and eco-friendly materials that are used to craft Zomes.

An Innovative Contender

Zomes are an innovative approach to modern housing, with an emphasis on long term living. In fact, Karim Bishay, the company’s co-founder, says that “Zomes are the next evolution of eco-friendly tiny homes.” The units can be built and lived in within a week. They can also be moved and customized to the consumer's liking.

The company is a unique take on eco-friendly homes. With a distinct dome-like shape, the units are contemporary and aesthetically pleasing. They are created using bioceramic plating, and as a result are fireproof, waterproof, windproof, mold and bug proof and resistant to rot. This will save the consumer significant amounts of money on renovation, maintenance and upkeep.

In continuing their customizable approach to living, the company offers a wide variety of custom-made furniture. Customers can request a set number of windows, ranging from none to three. Similarly, they can request a built-in kitchenette and bathroom at an additional cost. The kitchenette comes fitted with a two burner cook-top, stainless steel sink and faucet, and hardwood cabinets.

A Potential Investment Opportunity

This business can also serve as an interesting and compelling investment opportunity for the hospitality industry. For those that want to invest in land, or have existing land for the purpose of hosting an Airbnb, the units can be rented out at $250 a night. This would offer guests a special, sustainable and cost-efficient experience.

Zomes could even become a solution to the homelessness crisis: With enough private and government action, the company would be able to provide a home to the homeless in an eco-friendly, inexpensive and timeous way.

Final Thoughts

Smaller and more eco-friendly homes are becoming an appealing alternative to traditional houses for consumers. Those that are interested in adopting a sustainable lifestyle, or downscaling to minimalism, have invested in various different types of dwelling units. They are statistically less expensive - boasting a reduction in debt, energy costs and maintenance.

Zomes are an innovative new contender in this market. Their sleek, eco-friendly, and customizable approach to modern living can confidently compete against traditional homes. More than this, they offer a sophisticated solution to homelessness, and could become an interesting investment opportunity for land owners.